Committee on Mental Health, Disabilities and Addiction
NYC Council
Date: Feb 28th
Where: Committee Room - City Hall New York NY 10007
When: February 28th
Time: 10:00 am
Price Range: Free
Int 0868-2024
A Local Law to amend the administrative code of the city of New York, in relation to prohibiting the distribution of hypodermic syringes and needles by mobile syringe service programs within 450 feet of schools and playgrounds.
Prohibiting the distribution of hypodermic syringes and needles by mobile syringe service programs within 450 feet of schools and playgrounds
Int 1169-2025
A Local Law to amend the administrative code of the city of New York, in relation to the safe collection and disposal of needles and syringes
Safe collection and disposal of needles and syringes.
Res 0317-2024
Resolution calling on New York State to mandate basic training in addiction treatment as a requirement for medical schools that receive state funding.
Mandate basic training in addiction treatment as a requirement for medical schools that receive state funding.