Where: God's Love We Deliver 166 6th Avenue of the Americas New York NY 10013
When: February 22nd
Time: 01:30 pm
End Time: 04:30 pm
Price Range: Free
ABNY Young Professionals are invited to volunteer with God’s Love We Deliver, a non-profit that cooks and home-delivers 17,000 nutritious, medically tailored meals to people too sick to shop or cook for themselves each weekday.
YP volunteers will lend their support in working in the kitchen, and assist with packaging meals and food prep (e.g. chopping onions, making meatballs, ladling soup, peeling potatoes, scooping baked goods or preparing fresh herbs).
If you are interested in volunteering, please sign up by 3:00 p.m. on Saturday, February 15th. Note, space is limited to 20 volunteers. Sign up here.